The sun of righteousness rose to its zenith in the heavens and shone out over all peoples.
The law and the prophets have been fulfilled and in Christ as their end and goal reached their destiny. . . . He is the truth, the substance in whom all the promises and shadows have been realized. In him all things have been fulfilled. He is the true prophet, priest, and king; the true servant of the Lord, the true expiation, the true sacrifice, the true circumcision, the true Passover, and therefore his church is the true seed of Abraham, the true Israel, the true people of God, the true temple of God, the true Zion and Jerusalem, its spiritual offering, the true religion.
Nothing of the Old Testament is lost in the New, but everything is fulfilled, matured, has reached its full growth, and now, out of the temporary husk, produces the eternal core.
It is not the case that in Israel there was a true temple and sacrifice and priesthood and so on and that all these have now vanished. The converse, rather, is true: of all this Israel only possessed a shadow, but now the substance itself has emerged.
--Herman Bavinck,
Reformed Dogmatics, 3:224; Scripture references omitted
1 comment:
I think he mess up when he said the church is the true Israel. I remember the non Jews, wild olive branches being graphed in and the natural branches would be much easier to be graphed into the True Vine.
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