01 January 2008


Among many other mercies and joys, one that must not go ignored, as I have reflected today on 2007, is the grace of God in giving me my wife of 6 years, Stacey. She loves Christ, wants to do his will, loves me, seeks to know how better to support and be a bulwark for me, and ignites our life with happiness. If there is one thing I bless God for about her, I think it is her happiness. She spreads it everywhere. And 2007 was a happier year for me because of her. Under God I call her blessed.


Gavin Ortlund said...

Hooray for the glorious Stacey!

Dad O

ErinOrtlund said...

Yea for Stacey! I love you, Stacey, and you inspire me. :)