Friends, in light of the pressing need for theological education all over the world today, Covenant Theological Seminary has recently launched an initiative to get edifying resources into the hands of the saints, called
Covenant Worldwide. This project has made every course offered in their M.A.T.S. degree (Master of Arts in Theological Studies) totally free. This includes classes on church history, systematic theology, biblical books--even a class on Calvin's
Institutes and one on Francis Schaeffer. Lecturers include Dan Doriani, Hans Bayer, Robert Peterson, and Jerram Barrs. Go to:
www.covenantseminary.edu/worldwideThere are about 20 classes, each with 30 or so lectures. For each lecture you can listen to an audio file, read a transcript of the lecture, and/or view a study guide. Also included are recommended readings.
This is an example of putting the Kingdom before institutional financial interests.
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