30 September 2013

The Gospel Transformation Bible

Today the Gospel Transformation Bible releases from my favorite publisher.

What is it?

It's a Bible with running notes that help us read Scripture with a pair of glasses the lenses of which are tinted with Luke 24:27. So that the deadening and burdening ways of reading the Bible we tend to grow up with might be shed. To help believers read the Bible for what it actually is. The tagline is 'Christ in all of Scripture, grace for all of life.' That pretty much sums it up.

Bryan Chapell is General Editor. And a bunch of outstanding church leaders wrote the notes.

(When, you might ask, is Crossway going to release an obedience-focused Bible to complement this grace-focused one? The answer is that the GTB is the obedience-focused one. We obey from the heart no further than we taste free grace.)

I hope the GTB helps you as you read it. It has helped me.

Here is its website.

If you'd like to download a free PDF sampler of the content, you can do so here. Our brother Tony Reinke lists his favorite 20 quotes from the GTB here.

Brief promo from a few of the contributors:

Interview with one of the dearest men I know:

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