08 February 2011


ESPN writer Rick Reilly points out Aaron Rodgers' unusual character.

Note also this piece from Athletes in Action last fall. Encouraging.

I'll rejoice even more, Aaron, when your faith in Christ propels you to stop that obnoxious belt-donning gesture when you get to the end zone! And I'll seek to lay down my own (more subtle) belt-donning impulses, too.

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to talking to others about his faith, Rodgers is not one who preaches or pushes his faith on others. “I like the saying from St. Francis of Assisi, ‘Preach the gospel at all times, if necessary use words.’ I try to live my life in a way that reflects my faith in the Lord,” Rodgers says. “I don’t like to get in peoples’ faces. The best way for me is: Let your actions talk about your beliefs, start a relationship with others, then finally there is a chance for questions.”

    As much as I believe that we are sharing the Gospel at all times in everything we do, I also think its not a good sign that the first I ever heard of Rodgers as being a Christian is in this article
