31 August 2009

For Your Encouragement

I want to be sure any followers of this blog are aware of three other blogs by men I respect and love: my two brothers and my dad.

My older brother Eric teaches Old Testament at Briercrest College and Seminary in Saskatchewan--I wonder if I spelled that right--after grad school at TEDS and the University of Edinburgh. His site Scatterings is updated a few times a week with substantial and thoughtful posts concerning what life in Christ looks like in a fallen world with forays into music and literature. (Eric is by far the wittiest of any of us.)

My younger brother Gavin just finished at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis and is now doing the internship at Capitol Hill Baptist with Mark Dever before looking for a pastorate next Spring. His blog Soliloquium is largely reflections on Scripture, analysis of stuff he is reading, and quotes from favorite writers such as Lewis and Tolkien.

And my dad is pastoring a young Acts 29 church he's recently planted in Nashville. If you want to hear some gospel-riveted preaching that is wonderfully disruptive and strengthening all at once, download the podcast--or see here for a taste. He blogs at Christ Is Deeper Still, updating roughly daily, mostly with life-giving quotes and occasionally addressing gospel living and questions about the Bible from his own store of wisdom.

I mention these guys to spread joy. If you follow them you will be helped. Enjoy, with me!


  1. Dane,

    Thanks for summarizing the exploits of of the amazing Flying Ortlund Family of Bloggers. I've been following ya'll lately and I've been blessed by the quality and quantity of your output. I suppose it will not be long before we have the next generation of little Ortlund bloggers joining the ranks. It kind of reminds me of a circus trapeze family, spanning generations of very talented members, wowing their audience with death-defying feats of gospel prowess. Then again, I guess we are all on the gospel high-wire with our Lord, defying death with with the One who already took the big fall so we wouldn't have to experience it. May your tribe increase.

  2. Thanks, Dane, that's really kind of you. And I of course regard you and your work (in your blog, your articles, your dissertation, your preaching, and so on) with the same honor.
