04 June 2008

Machen and the Emerging Church

In reading Machen's Christianity and Liberalism (1923) and William Hutchison's historical analysis (The Modernist Impulse in American Protestantism; pp. 262-65 e.g.) in the wake of reading those associated with the emerging/emergent church, it is fascinating to see one clear connection after another between the ways 1920s liberals and present day emergents disparage clear doctrinal commitments in the name of authentic Christian experience. (The one glaring difference, of course, is that emergents have no problem at all accepting the supernatural.)


  1. Just wondering if you have read "Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be)"? Sam Storms (of Enjoying God Ministries) calls it the best book he has read in years. I haven't read it, but am looking to get it soon. Wondering what you think of it. Peace and love, my brothah...

  2. Hi Noah. I commented briefly on the bk on Apr 25. Blessings to you.
