29 December 2011

Take This With You into 2012

John Owen on the Bible:
O heavenly, O blessed depositum of divine grace and goodness! . . . although every humble soul may learn and receive from it what is absolutely sufficient for itself on all occasions, with respect to its own duty and eternal welfare, yet the whole church of God, neither jointly nor severally, from the beginning to the end of the world, have been, are, or shall be, able to examine these stores to the bottom and to find out perfectly all its truths, in all their dimensions, concerns, and extent, that are contained therein.
--quoted in Sinclair Ferguson, John Owen on the Christian Life (Banner of Truth, 1987), 189-90

Get it.

1 comment:

  1. Dane -- This is Dan Olson, your old R.A. from Wheaton days. I periodically come across your blog, and am always so encouraged. Congrats on the birth of your son! I recently illustrated a children's book written by my sister-in-law, Betsy Childs, who is a Wheaton grad as well and now works at Beeson Divinity School. I'd love to have her send you a copy. Whether you think it's worthy of comment would be up to you. You can read about the book, called The Boy Who Cried Over Everything, at my wife's blog--http://threelittlepeppers.wordpress.com/
