03 February 2011

How to Deal with Guilt

It all depends on this great and grand miracle, that I believe that God gave His Son for us. If I do not doubt this, then I am able to say in the midst of my trials: 'I concede, devil, that I am a sinner burdened with the old Adam and subject to the wrath of God. But what do you, devil, say about this: God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that all who believe in Him might not perish but have eternal life? These words I believe!'
--Martin Luther, Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Chapters 1-4, in Luther's Works, 22:359


  1. Our identity as Christians is found in that verse. The beloved of God. Whatever else we may be, we are the beloved.

  2. Amen! What a Great God we serve!
