21 September 2006

JE's Not-So-Blank 'Blank Bible'

Two of our brothers at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale created a JE blog back in March of this year. They are offering a 20% discount on all the (expensive!) Works, including the most recent installment (vol. 24), Edwards' 'Blank Bible' (pictured), in which he filed thin paper leaves between the pages of a Bible and made personal comments on the entire Scripture throughout his life from 1731 onward. It is over 1,400 pages and $200 at Amazon. The JE blog also has an interesting 6-minute video clip explaining this publication, as well as the section on Galatians in PDF form.

This publication is testimony, I think, to Edwards' 28th resolution:

Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.


  1. Hi Dane:

    Thanks for your blog and its resources. It seems we have similar passions. I have always wanted to go to Covenant for something. You must be having a blast there.

  2. Thanks Sam. If you still have the opportunity get some time at Covenant! It is a special place, in a season right now of humility, happiness, and a structuring of everything around the grace of God. All praise to the Lord.

  3. Dane, if I was ever going to do a D. Min., it would be at Covenant.

    I miss my seminary life!!!
