Till next Monday, July 5.
Blessings till then!
27 June 2010
26 June 2010
Piety Is not Passe

The quality of our lives is not necessary to make the Word of God true or endue it with spiritual power--the Word is inherently true and powerful--but by our lives we can either add static or provide clear channels to the Bible's instruction. We should not let present, legitimate demands for authenticity and transparency convince us that Christ's call to godliness is old-fashioned or ineffective. . . .Amen.
Piety is not passe. While no one wants sanctimonious religiosity, God's people need to know the gospel is real and frees us from our sin.
Iain Murray on John Wesley
--Iain Murray, Wesley and the Men Who Followed (Banner of Truth 2003), 100; italics original; quotations are of Wesley[T]he quest for felt Christian experience dominated his personal life. While he knew that love is not all feeling, he believed there is no true love without it, and in this sense feeling had the highest place in his aspirations: 'I see abundantly more than I feel. I want to feel more zeal and love for God.' 'I feel more want of heat than light. I value light; but it is nothing compared to love.'
24 June 2010
Edwards: Grace, a Drop from God's Infinite Fountain

God is with his people as they have fellowship and communion with God and as they are partakers with God in his good, possessing infinite good, and those are partakers with him in the same excellency and happiness. God communicates himself to his people. He imparts of his own beauty. They are said to be partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet 1:4). They are partakers of God's holiness (Heb 12:10).--Jonathan Edwards, in The Glory and Honor of God: Volume 2 of the Previously Unpublished Sermons of Jonathan Edwards (ed. M D. McMullen; B&H 2004), 155
So God communicates to his people of his own happiness. They are partakers of that infinite fountain of joy and blessedness by which he himself is happy. God is infinitely happy in himself, and he gives his people to be happy in him. . . .
That grace and holiness, that divine light and love, and that peace and joy that is in the hearts of the saints is a communication from God. Those are streams, or rather drops, from the infinite fountain of God's holiness and blessedness. 'Tis a ray from the fountain of light.
A Semantic Tension

Can't help but scratch my head, though, about (on the one hand) the semantic pessimism some biblical scholars commend about accessing the Bible's meaning combined with (on the other) the semantic optimism these same scholars assume about their readers' ability to access their own work.
How would some of these guys feel about my reading their essays with the caveat ever on my mind that they are socially located in a different place than me, wondering to myself at each page-turning what personal and historical baggage they bring to their laptops, incorporating a hermeneutic of suspicion lest I be unwittingly duped by their hidden misogyny or androcentrism, and reminding myself frequently that I as the reader am producing (not merely receiving) meaning as I read?
Let's treat the Bible with the reverence it deserves.
23 June 2010
Bauckham: The NT's Shocking Christology

Early Christian theology developed mainly through the exegesis of the Scriptures, which was both traditional in method, pursued with the exegetical expertise of Jewish learned exegesis, and frequently novel in its results, since it was deployed to interpret events, understood as decisive eschatological acts of the God of Israel, which did not neatly conform to any existing Jewish expectation. One remarkable datum in the exegetical development of early Christology is that verse 1 of Psalm 110 is the verse of the Hebrew Scriptures to which christological allusion is most often made in early Christian literature. . . .--Jesus and the God of Israel: God Crucified and Other Studies on the New Testament's Christology of Divine Identity (Eerdmans, 2008), 173, 175
Psalm 110:1, perhaps the most foundational text for the whole configuration [of key OT texts drawn upon in the NT christologically], was a novel choice. . . . The explanation of its role in early Christology, contrasted with its absence from Second Temple Jewish literature, is that, for early Christians, it said about Jesus what no other Jews had wished to say about the Messiah or any other figure: that he had been exalted by God to participate now in the cosmic sovereignty unique to the divine identity.
22 June 2010
Calvin: True Faith Never Extinguished
The root of faith can never be torn from the godly breast, but clings so fast to the inmost parts that, however faith seems to be shaken or to bend this way or that, its light is never so extinguished or snuffed out that it does not at least lurk . . . beneath the ashes.--John Calvin, Institutes 3.2.21
20 June 2010
2 Samuel 10:12
'Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him.'
--Joab to his brother Abishai, 2 Samuel 10:12
Two settled convictions. One, courage. Two, leave the results up to God.
What if, under God and nestled firmly into the gospel, we resolve that this week, the fourth week of June 2010, a week we'll never get to rewind and do over, we were to go forward in unhindered courage and happily leave the results up to God? Let's do it. It will be mistaken for pride by some, others will misperceive our motives, some will think it legalistic. A few might find something igniting within them as they observe your faith. Whatever happens, God will multiply it a hundred fold in mostly invisible ways that we won't see till we're with Him.
The default mode within each of us is timidity and self-protection. It's death. Look at God and shed your cowardice, so easily disguised as prudence. If God is God, and the Bible is truth, the prudent thing is risking everything for Christ.
Courage, and leave it with him.
--Joab to his brother Abishai, 2 Samuel 10:12
Two settled convictions. One, courage. Two, leave the results up to God.
What if, under God and nestled firmly into the gospel, we resolve that this week, the fourth week of June 2010, a week we'll never get to rewind and do over, we were to go forward in unhindered courage and happily leave the results up to God? Let's do it. It will be mistaken for pride by some, others will misperceive our motives, some will think it legalistic. A few might find something igniting within them as they observe your faith. Whatever happens, God will multiply it a hundred fold in mostly invisible ways that we won't see till we're with Him.
The default mode within each of us is timidity and self-protection. It's death. Look at God and shed your cowardice, so easily disguised as prudence. If God is God, and the Bible is truth, the prudent thing is risking everything for Christ.
Courage, and leave it with him.
19 June 2010
Whitefield's Early 'Holiness'

I began to fast twice a week for thirty-six hours together, prayed many times a day and received the sacrament every Lord's Day. I fasted myself almost to death all the forty days of Lent, during which I made it a point of duty never to go less than three times a day to public worship, besides seven times a day to my private prayers.--George Whitefield in 1769 reflecting on his early years in the Oxford Holy Club, quoted in Arnold Dallimore, George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century Revival (Banner of Truth 1970), 1:60
Yet I knew no more that I was to be born a new creature in Christ Jesus than if I had never been born at all.
'Two men went up to the temple to pray . . .' (Luke 18:9ff)
Why Relaxing Is Hard Work
Dan Orr points us to a fascinating Wall Street Journal piece and illuminates the clear connection with the gospel.
18 June 2010
Forde on Grace: The Explosion in Our Darkness

Generally law tends to remain the dominating reality and grace dwindles off into the status of a pious fiction. After all, we have to do something, don't we? . . .--Gerhard Forde, Justification by Faith: A Matter of Death and Life (Fortress 1982), 29; emphasis original
In the place of all such schemes, in the place of the conditional thinking that always traps us, we must put the absolute simultaneity of sin and righteousness. When God acts upon us with his grace, with his justifying deed, his pronouncement, we become simul justus et peccator, simultaneously righteous and sinner. . . . When the word of promise comes or begins to dawn on us, our reaction is 'I can't believe it! You mean that's all?' . . .
Grace is the divine pronouncement itself, the morning star, the flash of lightning exploding in our darkness which reveals all truth simultaneously, the truth about God and the truth about us.
Owen: The Ignorance of a Christless Intellect

He that has attained to the greatest height of literature, yet if he has nothing else--if he have not Christ--is as much under the curse of blindness, ignorance, stupidity, dullness, as the poorest, silliest soul in the world. . . . The more abilities the mind is furnished with, the more it . . . strengthens itself to act its enmity against God. All that it receives does but help it to set up high thoughts and imaginations against the Lord Christ.--John Owen, Communion with God (Christian Focus 2007), 185-86
. . . I hope I shall not need to add anything to clear myself for not giving a due esteem and respect to literature, my intention being only to cast it down at the feet of Jesus Christ, and to set the crown upon his head.
16 June 2010
Heaven, Hell, and the Gospel
Hell is full of people who believe they deserve to be in heaven. Heaven is full of people who believe they deserve to be in hell.--Ray Ortlund, sermon preached June 13, 2010 at Immanuel Church
HT: Kevin Wax
Schreiner's Summary of NT Theology

Two things prompt me to mention it. One, this summary volume is much meatier than I expected when I ordered it. While extensive argumentation and footnoting have both by necessity been left behind, there's real substance to the volume--it isn't merely a 'summary' as we normally think of that word. I expected it would be appropriate for adult Sunday School and too thin for a college text; actually I think it's appropriate for a college text and too much for adult Sunday School.
Two, Schreiner has three emphases around which he writes: the glory of God in Jesus Christ, the inherent trinitarianism of the NT, and a salvation-historical framework which sees the NT as the culmination of all the ancient promises and hopes of the OT. Love it.
Thanks for serving us all in this way, Dr. Schreiner.
14 June 2010
Bavinck: Gospel Nourishment
'The gospel is the food of faith and must be known to be nourishment.'
--Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 4:96
--Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 4:96
13 June 2010
Gaffin on 'Natural' vs 'Spiritual' (1 Cor 15:42ff)
Richard Gaffin comments:So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural [psychikos] body; it is raised a spiritual [pneumatikos] body. If there is a natural [psychikos] body, there is also a spiritual [pneumatikos] body. Thus it is written, 'The first man Adam became a living being' [Gen 2:7]; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. --1 Cor 15:42-45
It continues to be necessary to point out in the face of widespread and persistent misunderstanding that 'spiritual' does not refer to the make-up of the resurrection body, to the immaterial substance of which it is composed. Rather, that adjective is Paul's single label of choice for the resurrection body with its glory because it most adequately and appropriately describes the body that has been perfected with the effects of sin entirely eradicated by the activity of the Holy Spirit. In view is the transmuted but genuinely physical character of the believer's resurrection body, the eschatologically transformed physicality of the believer's person by the Spirit. The work of the Spirit with and in the believer reaches its culmination in the resurrection of the body.(The Glory of God, p. 141)This is the second volume in the Theology in Community series edited by Robert Peterson and Chris Morgan and published by Crossway. I find just about everything Dr. Gaffin writes refreshing and illuminating; this is the most instructive piece in the volume, for me. He has actually helped me turn a big corner in my understanding of Paul and eschatology and resurrection, especially in conjunction with Greg Beale, but that's another post.
Thanks for this, Dr. Gaffin, and keep it coming.
And thanks for the good series, Drs. Peterson and Morgan. You're serving us well. And it's great to see a Reformed Presbyterian who wrote a dissertation on Calvin and a Baptist with a PhD from Mid-America Baptist Seminary work together on theologically serious stuff, united together in a love for the gospel, Christ, and the church.
12 June 2010
Insidious Pride

Scripture teaches us that God resists the proud but gladly receives the humble. Humility is to be a lifelong attribute, not simply the attitude of our hearts when we first come to Christ. Every day we are to remember our own need of God's mercy, the problems and failures in our own lives, rather than making ourselves blind to our own sins by concentrating on those of others. . . . Even biblical knowledge can make us proud, not because sound biblical knowledge is a problem, but because of the pride in our hearts that clasps on to anything that will help us to feel a little better about ourselves than about our fellow believers.--Jerram Barrs, The Heart of Evangelism (Crossway 2001), 164; see now also this resource
I had a few classes with Jerram while a student at Covenant Seminary; he lives what he writes about here. Thanks for the reminder, brother.
11 June 2010
Edwards on Why Seeing God Would Kill Us

God is arrayed with an infinite brightness, a brightness that doesn't create pain as the light of the sun pains the eyes to behold it, but rather fills with excess of joy and delight. Indeed, no man can see God and live, because the sight of such glory would overpower nature, . . . 'tis because the joy and pleasure in beholding would be too strong for a frail nature.According to Edwards, it isn't God's holiness that would incinerate us. It's the joy that would erupt within us that we can't handle.
--Jonathan Edwards, 'That God is the Father of Lights,' in The Blessing of God: Previously Unpublished Sermons of Jonathan Edwards, 346
Defending Truth or Yourself?
In reflecting on the strange objections and odd misunderstandings and striking displays of the very thing he was warning against in my dad's wonderful post this past week, I'm struck by my own and others' inability to discern between concern for the truth and concern for being right. One cares about God's honor, the other about mine. Yet what we assume to be truth-concern as we type our blog comment and hit 'submit' (a more inappropriate verb could not have been picked) is often self-concern.
How easy it is to act on that sense of truth-violation we perceive in others when it wells up within us, yet the intense emotion of that moment may so easily--so, so easily--simply be a desire that we be seen to be right. It's alarmingly natural to pass off cantankerous or scoffing comments as concern for truth when really it is just a form of self-vindication.
The ironic thing here is that some who read this will already find welling up within themselves an objection. 'How can you take truth so lightly? Paul certainly didn't mince words about theological error!'
So true! And not only Paul--the apostle was a boy scout with his language compared to Ezekiel. The culture in which we live certainly devalues objective truth. I cringe at the thought of truth-whittling Kumbaya-singing hand-holding Rodney King-echoing creed-demoting confession-neglecting lowest-common-denominator fluff. That's about as attractive to me as Dennis Rodman in high heels and lipstick. But if our deepening knowledge of God and grace in all its doctrinal contours creates in us, imperceptibly perhaps, impatience or frustration with other believers, it is not knowledge of God and of grace that fuels our frustration and snide tone but concern for being personally right. It is sin.
Paul said that if we have all knowledge and all faith but lack love, we are nothing. What if we made every blog comment mindful of that?
If you define yourself as Reformed (whatever you say that means) yet find within yourself, as I often do, an impulse to vehemently correct others doctrinally, will you join me in questioning of your own heart whether it is an urge to defend the truth or an urge to defend your own rightness? I need to grow in this and I invite you to join me.
By the way, at my own discretion I'll be deleting any comment on this post that I deem unedifying. There are enough platforms for theological hotheads already out there without providing one more here.
How easy it is to act on that sense of truth-violation we perceive in others when it wells up within us, yet the intense emotion of that moment may so easily--so, so easily--simply be a desire that we be seen to be right. It's alarmingly natural to pass off cantankerous or scoffing comments as concern for truth when really it is just a form of self-vindication.
The ironic thing here is that some who read this will already find welling up within themselves an objection. 'How can you take truth so lightly? Paul certainly didn't mince words about theological error!'
So true! And not only Paul--the apostle was a boy scout with his language compared to Ezekiel. The culture in which we live certainly devalues objective truth. I cringe at the thought of truth-whittling Kumbaya-singing hand-holding Rodney King-echoing creed-demoting confession-neglecting lowest-common-denominator fluff. That's about as attractive to me as Dennis Rodman in high heels and lipstick. But if our deepening knowledge of God and grace in all its doctrinal contours creates in us, imperceptibly perhaps, impatience or frustration with other believers, it is not knowledge of God and of grace that fuels our frustration and snide tone but concern for being personally right. It is sin.
Paul said that if we have all knowledge and all faith but lack love, we are nothing. What if we made every blog comment mindful of that?
If you define yourself as Reformed (whatever you say that means) yet find within yourself, as I often do, an impulse to vehemently correct others doctrinally, will you join me in questioning of your own heart whether it is an urge to defend the truth or an urge to defend your own rightness? I need to grow in this and I invite you to join me.
By the way, at my own discretion I'll be deleting any comment on this post that I deem unedifying. There are enough platforms for theological hotheads already out there without providing one more here.
A Bit of Tinkering with the Blog . . .
. . . over the next several days (weeks?) as I experiment with different templates, etc. Thanks for bearing with me. The URL will not be changing.
10 June 2010
Joy Reminds

--C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy (Harcourt 1955 edition), 74 (HT: Robbie Sagers)
C. S. Lewis on Sexual Temptation

The great discovery for me was that the attack does not last forever. It is the devil's lie that the only escape from the temptation is through yielding. After prolonged resistance it will go away: what seemed yesterday impossible to turn one's mind from will today be utterly unenchanted, insipid, tedious.
--Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, 3:920; emphasis original
09 June 2010
Justification-Fueled Sanctification
Justification by sanctification is man's way to heaven. . . . Sanctification by justification is God's.
--Thomas Adam, English pastor who served a single church for 58 years, in his posthumously published diary entitled Private Thoughts on Religion (1814 edition), 219
--Thomas Adam, English pastor who served a single church for 58 years, in his posthumously published diary entitled Private Thoughts on Religion (1814 edition), 219
Ladd: Jesus' Disciples vs Rabbinic Disciples

--G. E. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament, 105-6
Schlatter: What Caused the Outrage against Jesus?

This zeal, however, was interwoven with a concept of righteousness that rejected grace.
--Adolf Schlatter, The History of the Christ, 164
08 June 2010
Spener: What Matters

--Philip Jacob Spener, German Pietist pastor, quoted in William Baird, History of New Testament Research, Volume 1: From Deism to Tuebingen, p. 61
HT: Mike Bird
Lewis: Serving by Not Serving

[W]e must not fret about not doing God those supposed services which He in fact does not allow us to do. Very often I expect, the service He really demands is that of not being (apparently) used, or not in the way we expected, or not in a way we can perceive.
--C. S. Lewis, in a February 1958 letter to Mary Willis Shelburne, in Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, 3:922; emphasis original
07 June 2010
Edwards' Miscellanies
Our friends at Desiring God are beginning a trek through Jonathan Edwards' little-read but consistently fascinating Miscellanies, pulling out some gold for the rest of us. Thanks guys.
06 June 2010
Thank you, Dr. Beale
The two greatest academic privileges of the past three years have been, one, writing a dissertation on Paul under Doug Moo, and two, spending time with Greg Beale.
Dr. Beale helped me put the whole Bible together in Spring 2009. I now read passage after passage with new eyes. He has done a world of good to a generation of students, communicating the treasures of Scripture not only in what he said but how he said it. My dad told me of the reverent intensity with which Dr. Beale exegeted the Bible when they were first-year Greek students together at Dallas Seminary. That wonderful love for the Scripture has not waned. He has stood up for currently unpopular aspects of evangelicalism this past decade, heedless of personal cost. He has served his students, his institution, and his God, with courage and strength.
Wheaton's loss. Westminster's gain. The Lord be with you, Dr. Beale.
Edwards: Christ the Refuge
Christ is a refuge in all trouble; there is a foundation for rational support and peace in him, whatever threatens us. He, whose heart is fixed, trusting in Christ, need not be afraid of any evil tidings.
--Jonathan Edwards, 'Safety, Fulness, and Sweet Refreshment, to be Found in Christ,' in Works (Hickman ed.), 2:929
--Jonathan Edwards, 'Safety, Fulness, and Sweet Refreshment, to be Found in Christ,' in Works (Hickman ed.), 2:929
04 June 2010
Packer: The True Priority for Every Human Being

--J. I. Packer, Knowing God (1993 IVP ed.), 279
02 June 2010
Luther: One Remedy Only

Whoever does not possess this Man possesses nothing.
Martin Luther, LW 22:131
Lloyd-Jones: Grace Beats Any Bargain
O Christian friends, do not make bargains with God. If you do, you will get only your bargain; but if you leave it to His grace, you will probably get more than you ever thought of.
--Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure, 130
--Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure, 130
01 June 2010
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